Why I Hate ALL British Actors...Especially Tom Hiddleston

There is nothing that grates on my nerves more than a British accent!  And when Brits try to act?  TORTURE.  I will never be able to see what the big fuss is about these actors...like Tom Hiddleston, I do think he is the worst.  His little smile, YUCK!  And those eyes, they just have no life.  His manner is dull, and his acting is even worse.  When he acts you just can't feel the emotion.  I want to be able to relate to the movie characters, but with Tom...forget about it!  They really should have picked someone else to play Loki, Tom completely ruined the role!
And Benedict Cumberbatch,  He is totally dumb.  His voice is terrible, and the way he treats Watson in Sherlock?  I find it almost gruesome.  Everybody keeps talking about his eyes, I personally think he wears freaky colored contacts.
Of course there are the occasional British successes...Like Richard Armitage.  He is better than most American actors.  Even if he does have to wear soft looking eyebrows in certain movies.
Well, I guess that's all I have to say on this subject...for now.


  1. AGREE 100%!!!
    Tom Hiddleston is the worst, but only barely worse than Benedict Cumberbatch! It's sad how so many people, especially young girls like us, are drawn away by the supposed charms of these vile actors -- No, actors is too generous a term. Monsters is more fitting. Cumberbatch even plays the dumb dragon in that horrid new "hobbit" movie. I would say he did a bad job, but the hobbit is such a dumb story and the dragon is so lame that he actually did the role justice, IMHO.

    Rock on, girl! Keep spreading the truth! XOXOXO <3 <3 <3
    ~~ your biggest, bestest, number 1 fangirl 4ever&ever

  2. Richard Armitage is so dreamy!!! I keep trying to tell my friends that but keep telling me no it's Benedict Cucumber that's dreamy and they are so wrong!! I couldn't even make it threw the first half of episode 1 of Sherlock cause he's so annoying!!! Ugh! Plus british accents are annoying, other then Richards! His is great!
